If at any time while doing mathematical calculations you wish to jump through the steps and arrive straight at the answer rather than doing it step by step or one digit at a time, then this book is for you. This statement teaches and presents mathematics in a new style and shows unique ways of quick calculation.  
Speed Maths has been created to help you calculate faster and solve problems quickly. The book has been written in the form of a story, and also includes day-to-day math, such as 'financial planner'. Thus, it is a book for people of all ages.
We've all dreamed of overcoming the traditional limitation of multiplying one digit by another and going one step at a time. Years of search have been put into this book to help fulfill that very dream. Now there is no need for us to multiply in single digits or to go step by step to solve math problems. We can also get that done in a much simpler way and with multiple numbers. And this just as easy as using the conventional method. for more about books click here 

Learn Speed Maths in just 6 days. 
Learn Speed Maths speedily. In just 6 days learn superfast ways on how to calculate and solve more questions in less time in competitive exams.
If you are preparing for IBPS or CAT exams, then this Speed Maths training will change your life. Speed Maths simplifies quantitative aptitude.
We provide the training of Speed Maths through coaching institutes, schools, and colleges. If you run any of these institutes you can contact us by email or phone to arrange this training at your institute.
For more click here 

Today, 'Quantitative aptitude' is a requisite part of almost all competitive exams ranging from SSC to PSC. These examinations are basically a test of your school level math, but since they're competitive exams too, there is importance of speed, for which shortcuts are essential. Keeping this in mind, we will revise 'school maths' as 'speed maths' and will learn various ways to calculate faster. for courses and training click here

This book is a primer on quantitative aptitude and it is unequivocally useful for all competitive exams which comprise quantitative aptitude questions. The book is prepared solely with an eye to competitive exams and includes questions asked in various competitive exams. This book is especially helpful for IBPS, SSC, and MBA entrance exams.

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If at any time while doing mathematical calculations you wish to jump through the steps and arrive straight at the answer rather than ...